find your perfect stuffable fabric Map
Get £5 off the most popular cycle, walking, running destinations world wide! Code tgo2021
Click to choose your Wearable map…
A perfect gift for everyone who loves the outdoors, including walkers, hikers and mountain bikers
Personalised SplashMaps are
- Centred anywhere (world wide!)
- Given a personal title
- Printed on weatherproof washable fabric
- Stuffable/ virtually indestructible
All you need to navigate:
- No map carrier
- Less weight
- No batteries
- No fuss!
How you create your own map…
Looking for inspiration? Try these made by recent customers:
Watch the video to see how easy it is to create your own…
Optional Upgrade: Just +£2 for Toob (Versatile Headware)
When completing your order, select the ‘Toob’ upgrade.
What they say about our maps…
“Hands off my SplashMap! says Army Cadet Commander”
“it was invaluable and so much easier to use than a normal map. An awesome bit of kit!”
– Pete Lloyd, Detachment Commander
“Map Mastery – Chart Hit”
“Paper Maps could be a thing of the past now we’ve found these fabric alternatives. No more fighting with folds or rain-soaked paper, just scrunch it up and put it in your pocket. (You can personalise yours to feature anywhere on the globe.) We’d much rather live in a material world!”
– Sunday Times Travel Magazine