Technology is constantly evolving and revolutionising the way we look at ever smarter physical maps.
On the latest #geomob podcast, Ed Freyfogle & I discuss;
- the new tech driving ever Smarter physical maps with the University of Southampton,
- the demise of paper as U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) join Ordnance Survey & UK Hydrographic Office on fabric,
- the birth of #geomerch, and
- the one sure way to get a bargain on the world’s best quality contemporary & historical fabric maps this season.
Find the Geomob discount code in the last 5 minutes of this recording. It’s the best way to grab a fabric map bargain for Christmas!
We’d love your thoughts
🤔 Do the latest organic electronics really give a future to ever smarter physical maps?
💡 What would be the coolest #geomerch for your business?
🗺 What will you get for the map nerd in your family this Christmas?