Their Essential Training
Through my work with SplashMaps I get the chance to meet and marvel at the many brave people who take huge risks delivering essential aid while working in hostile environments. This week we’re doubly proud to receive this story where SplashMaps forms part of their essential training, before they take the H.E.A.T.
Hostile Environment Training
Today’s guest author, Anthony Chomley, a Safety & Security H.E.A.T. (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) expert, based in Germany, takes us behind the scenes to the places where UN personnel and associates train with the best to prepare for the worst.

Assisting the UN
“At three events each year I train mixed groups in Germany, preparing them for deployment in the hostile environments of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. German organizations like the Academy for Crisis management, departments for Emergency Planning and Civil Protection, and The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief deploy to these dangerous countries, assisting the UN in providing ambulance, medical, police, building and even academic services.”
Unsettling real-life scenarios
“Our course caters for about 24 people who swiftly divide into small teams, cooperating to deal with multiple realistic hostile situations.” Anthony described how 50 role-playing experts from Police, Military and Rescue Services are involved in creating unsettling real-life scenarios for the recruits. “Hostage taking, vehicle-jacking and life-changing decisions have to be faced to gain the ENTRI (Europe’s New Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management) certification.”
Preparation for an Evacuation

Of course, one part of the training is about equipment and preparation for an Evacuation.
“I can´t remember the first time I saw SplashMaps, but I have quite a few maps from them now [Ed. I count 7 unique locations since 2016] . I think they are absolutely Brilliant, they are even better than some Military escape maps produced in several of our deployment countries.” Says Anthony as he pulls out and inspects the Baumholder SplashMap of his most recent training ground, then tucks it under the back of his hat. “Not only have I used them for navigation but they’ve become an important part of my personal protection, deflecting the hot sun off my burning neck,” he explains with a smile.
Without my SplashMaps…
“I would not be without my Splashmaps,” he concludes, scrunching the indestructible fabric guide back into his pocket, “ …and this is what I pass on to our Students.” Thank you for an inspirational story Anthony.
Your Own Hostile environment?

Partnering with one military training organization, Platoon Adventures, we’re happy to announce Jenny of Southampton as the lucky person who won an amazing prize to learn and test her own survival skills. A weekend of survival awaits! Be sure to sign-up to our regular bulletins to be first with news on these regular partner competitions!