The John Austin Half Marathon is rightfully growing every year. Raising money for the Oakhaven Hospice motivates many and the location; a multi-terrain course in the South East of the the New Forest; could motivate anyone. To my mind it’s just the right size and just the right atmosphere on just the right terrain.
As usual the race was held together with enthusiastic volunteers and impeccably organised by Irene Austin and friends with a team of military Marshals to keep the runners to pace.
We love sponsoring events like this one. And this time I decided to take part. My time, 1 hour 41 mins was 2 minutes slower than last year’s, but my position, 98th of 532 runners sounds better. The largest number of participants so far for this 4 year old event managed to raise over £13 000 on the day.
As a Sponsor we take our role seriously, and just as we support the beer drinking at GeoMob events, this time our best people were handing out water at the finish line.

SplashMaps Make-a-Map vouchers were given away as prizes and our New Forest maps are already in use by the fastest man and woman in the forest.