Only one festival comes with its own planning yurt this year. And only the Armchair Adventure Festival can play host to MapFest 2023!
Why come to MapFest?
Seriously, could there be a better festival for an aspiring adventurer like you? Between 27-30th July, AAF23 main stage attracts the very best adventurers in the world. Here they’ll draw you into their world with tales of the their latest and most extreme expeditions.

Intimate Adventure time
But it won’t stop there. The SplashMaps Planning tent, hosts MapFest, where each intrepid hero gets to unfirl fabric maps for an intimate one-to-one with you! Ask whatever you want. Planning a sailing adventure? Find out what makes a ROW yachtsman tick or what someone who’s sailed every single British Isle eats for breakfast. On wheels or hoof? From mad moped circumnavigation to desert defying crossings – they are all there.
Everything covered to make it your festival of the year

Make new friends among this intrepid crowd at the bar, on the water or on the trail. And soak up some of the best music the South West will see this year.
What’s new at MapFest?

Check out our wall sized world maps, our latest personalised map and chart towels and meet our own adventure ambassadors. Unique launches at the show include the ability to sort your own personalised map under canvas on the spot. And don’t forget our special Armchair map discounts.
What next?
- Start following the event here and be up-to-date with the latest.
- Then buy your tickets here.
- PLUS – Pre-order your personalised SplashMap HERE with FREE delivery to the stand or your home (no delivery charge on orders placed by 16th July 2023!)