Seasonal Media Campaign

Our seasonal media campaign is now underway! Forget John Lewis and M&S! This is all about being targeted at a country-wide audience of outdoor walkers runners and climbers.
Why advertise?
There’s a few reasons for advertising
1) To remind people of what we do!
2) To nudge folk into thinking about unique gifts for the outdoors (and they don’t get uniquer than SplashMaps personalsied Toobs and their dedicated custom !)
3) To support all our retailers selling out of 42 outlets across the country.
It’s a tall order! This year People will be buying from more places than ever before, including the National Trust, Garden Centres, Gift shops, Outdoors shops, Bike shops and Amazon as well as directly through our own site.
So, if you are an affiliate of ours, a retailer or a customer, the below will be of interest. Get involved and use our advertising investment to bring feet through your door, traffic to your site and money in your pocket.

You could also walk away with a free personalised SplashMap and a range of unique deals after all!
What’s the schedule?
Already running:

Outdoor Enthusiast magazine is carrying our advert to the major outdoors shops where they are given away. Pop into Cotswolds and pick yours up free! (Ed. to the retailers… there’s still time to arrange a stock order!… don’t loose out! And why not get a stack of OE’s at the same time?)

Giftware Review holds editorial and adverts in the Autumn editions supporting
Already running:
17th November+: Look out for our dedicated FB posts from Trail Running, Trail, Country Walking and Live for the Outdoors

The Great Outdoors is definately a favourite for our walking customers.

We launched our competition together with the on-line title “Live for the outdoors”. This outdoor title is the on-line face of big magazine titles like Trail, Trail running and Country Walking. A bunch of SplashMaps are being given away! Enter before 30th Novermber!
Facebook: Look out for videos and a festive look, new photography and outdoor gift messages. Please like and share!
All Social media: There’s always great content on our website and social media channels. Like what we put out? Follow us and lets Christmas together.
Coming soon:

23rd November: The Great Outdoors Newsletter starts with news of our latest offerings. Something for retailers to share?
24th November: Walk Magazine arrives on people’s doorsteps. It’s the January edition, but this year, much better timed to coincide with Black Friday festivities and our 1/2 page ad reflects on uniqueness
24th November: Black Friday Campaign. Keep an eye-out. Offers will first appear on our newsletter
28th November: Watch your emails Ramblers! We’ve teamed up with Walk magazine for a special mailing
29th November: SplashMaps and Live for the Outdoors are getting together for a dedicated email ahead of…
30th November: Trail Magazine lands on doorsteps holding full page ads for SplashMaps and a discount voucher
7th December: Country Walking lands on doorsteps too! Same ad and look for that offer… there’s still time to make personalised Maps and Toobs!
7th December: Editorial in Professional Mountaineer – Also MTA, BMC and most Mountaineering associations.
8th December: The Great Outdoors lands on the doormats of the UK’s most adventurous; more adverts encouraging folk toward the brand and our new and unique product offerings.
So watch for these! Get the deals, get your shopping in early, or your last minute retail stocking now!
And remember, unlike the big boys, we’d never exploit small animals, sadness or cuteness to sell our products. Or would we?