We launched our first SplashMaps Catalogue at Autumn Fair in September.
The catalogue covers each of our main propositions;
- Destination SplashMaps – Our maps of popular places
- Personalised SplashMaps – Consumers make their own maps on-line
- Custom Maps – For retailers and clubs to define the centre, scale, content and size all their own!
- International Maps – At atlas and walking/cycling scales
- Partnerships – the case studies that’ll inspire
12 pages of fabric inspiration
If you want a catalogue we’ll mail them free to clubs and the trade if you share a little about yourselves (and your address of course!) and why you’re thinking of SplashMaps for your business.
Contact Form
The SplashMaps Catalogue includes our interactive map projects, special commissions for escape and evasion use, retailer stories and provides 12 glossy pages of SplashMaps in action.
With confident adventuring at its heart and a heap of customer reviews throughout it’s the ideal guide to selecting the unique SplashMap for your business.