March has been a great month for SplashMaps, establishing us as Sponsors for outdoor adventures and Thought leaders in open location data and mapping. As well as this, our new style maps with rights of way overlays were developed, created, road tested and distributed (boy, we can move fast!)
During March we Sponsored our first sporting event.

The John Austin half marathon in the New Forest was a challenge of mud and biting winds, but in a beautiful setting! A SplashMap around David’s neck saved him from the worst of the weather and was considered by some to be performance enhancing
Watch the event’s film at the 5 minute and 24.30 minute mark to see David who came in a few (ahem!) minutes after this guy…
Another BIIGG first this month came as our Directors gave both key note presentations at the Association of Geographic Information on Thursday 21st March in Bristol. Arnulf covered all things “Open” in the morning and David covered all things “Tangible” in the afternoon with the story of SplashMaps.
It was great to see so many of our Kickstarter backers there, meet so many map nerds and be able to share the latest developments made possible for SplashMaps by our innovative use of Open Data.
All details of both presenations plus other presenations are on Open Data can be found here.
March really established our brand as key Sponsors and Thought leaders in our field of mapping for the REAL outdoors.