Ultimate all-season navigation advice

Could reliable navigation dramatically improve your outdoors fun? Current freezing conditions mean you’d be daft to head for the trails underprepared. So, for the ultimate all-season navigation advice, here’s 5 top adventurers’ tips for…

Adventure, inspire and gift anywhere


They’re now in print. The ultimate evidence that you can adventure, inspire and gift anywhere on the planet for pretty much any outdoor venture you could imagine. From desert to jungle, from lakes to…


Geoawesome In their quest to find #TheNextGeo businesses that define our sector, Geoawesomeness chose SplashMaps to be the first in their reviews of “companies to watch”. So this is what it’s like being geoawesome! …

Park Run

The lazy person’s version of exercise I love running. Initially I started running as it’s the lazy persons version of exercise. Seriously. You use the biggest and most efficient muscle groups in the body,…

A New Map Spec

New Map Spec  SplashMaps‘ brand New Map Spec is launched this week in the Lake District and being rolled out throughout our destination range of maps. Uniquely it gives you what the walkers report…

Retrofit Maps on your favourite suit

Retrofit Maps on your favourite suit Unique Christmas present At a recent geo event I met an old client of mine, Andy.  As a Christmas gift I’d given him a personalised SplashMap of his…

Custom Fabric Maps Unique to any Adventure

Unique to any adventure “SplashMaps make custom maps unique to any adventure”, made an easy enough message to share with gift market customers who ponder Christmas 2018 at Spring Fair. We were there to…

At your own pace

A painful realisation About 10 years ago my ego virtually smashed my jaw, tricking me into the worse bike crash I ever want to experience.  “The end?” I considered after the impact, while my…

Prepared for Easter?

At SplashMaps we don’t believe in seasonal gimmicks!  We’re far too true to the robust, purposeful and hard-wearing reputation of our brand to stoop to those levels. So please don’t think we were exploiting…

Helping the Spontaneous!

Last minute decision maker?  This year we’re helping the spontaneous! Helping the Spontaneous Getting your hands on unique fabric maps fast We’ve always been the beloved product of the careful planner, but SplashMaps is…