Most popular destinations slashed!
Our latest sale sees prices on our most popular destinations slashed! What’s on offer? The most popular maps on our weatherproof fabric are between 50% and 30% off! WHILE STOCKS LAST. These indestructible SplashMaps…
High Tech Historical Map Wizardry
High Tech Historical Map Wizardry Do you know what we mean by an ‘interactive map’? At SplashMaps We’re having trouble distilling the idea of a map that you can scan with your phone…
Ignoring technology trends
Did you think SplashMaps were anti hi-tec? That we’re ignoring technology trends in GPS, digital media and mobile technology. Really? Perhaps our Interactive Historic Map will change your mind. With 16 years of working…
SplashMaps’ 3 Best Reads
SplashMaps’s best reads list is out! We’ve been inspired by working with writers of running, battles and the history of maps. And we’re pleased they’ve all got great deals for you via our site….
Mapping History
SplashMaps are Mapping History. Watch our high-tech History map unfold… The Road to Agincourt SplashMap celebrates 600 years since Henry V defeated the French at Agincourt. Our map, sponsored by Eastleigh Borough Council, English…