
It’s not the scale of your plans for 2022 that matters – as 2021 showed us, short bursts of outdoor activity close to home are sanity savers. What matters is that your plans suit you,…

Date posted: 6th January 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Great Plans for 2022!

Categories: SplashMaps News

These simple pleasures What could be better than sitting down for a good meal, planning a new route, or looking up at the stars? Well, nothing, according to our early Christmas shoppers. They’ve bought a…

Date posted: 2nd November 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on Early Christmas Shoppers

Categories: SplashMaps News

Trail finding on a bike ride with friends and surrounded by beautiful ripe blackberries. I had to stop. My passion for crumble created a perfect chance to demonstrate fixing a stained map of Hampshire….

Date posted: 21st September 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on Fixing a stained map

Categories: SplashMaps News

We’re pedalling for business locally across Eastleigh Borough. Here’s our review and a trail guide for your route to riches in their latest business supporting initiative.

Date posted: 3rd September 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on Pedalling for business

Categories: Videos

we’ve begun a new series on our YouTube channel (not subscribed yet?) called ‘From your doorstep’. Each week we will release a new video with helpful advice on how you can create the perfect explore in your exercise time.

Date posted: 16th April 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on From your Doorstep

Categories: Press road testing SplashMaps News Videos

In preparation for our Coast to Coast Wales adventure, we’ll be testing kit and sharing the results with you! This week we’re Bike Packing, covering what you should bring, how you can store it…

Date posted: 26th February 2020 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: road testing Videos

SplashMaps’ Challenge for the Coast to Coast Wales now has an official map. Together with Max Darkins of Rough Ride the full distance is available on fabric.

Date posted: 13th February 2020 | Author: | Comments Off on Coast to Coast Wales 2020

Categories: SplashMaps News