Happy Trails
Happy Trails can be found at Swinley Forest and Queen Elizabeth Country Park. These are our nearest trail centres in Berkshire and Hampshire respectively. Yesterday’s trip to the QECP was partly business and partly…
Bespoke for Weddings and Races
Big events deserve the bespoke treatment. After all, it’s often uniqueness that makes an occasion special. Mapfeinds, outdoor lovers and event organisers alike are all stretching their imagination to make Weddings, Races and their…
Head for the highlands
SplashMaps started with just 1 map in December 2012! Amazingly, by mid-2013 our maps were available for all our National Parks. By November we could offer anywhere in Great Britain printed onto our…
1 year since
We’re in Celebratory mood this month as we celebrated two 1 year anniversaries. 1 year since we incorporated and 1 year since we launched our initial Kickstarter Crowd sourcing funding campaign. It was great…
SplashMaps at the Bournemouth Cycle and Tri Expo
Meet SplashMaps at the Bournemouth Cycle and Tri Expo at the BIC this weekend! It’s free to come and there are loads of events for those that want to test their legs, and the…
Our own REAL outdoors specification
At SplashMaps we’ve done awfully well out of Open Data. It gives us the freedom to make our own “REAL outdoors” specification to counter the relatively crowded and unfocussed map offerings from more traditional…
Authorities from across the border are taking to our maps
It’s great to have four English National Parks’ Authorities selling our maps in their visitor centres, and to get a special commission from one of these for a branded map. But it’s a very…
A history of escape and evasion fabric maps
Peter Larkin was one of the few to complete the Three Peaks Yacht Race this year. He did it with the help of 3 of our REAL outdoors SplashMaps (our unique cartography applied to…
Trail Testing the SplashMap in the South Downs
It’s a week of Trail testing the SplashMap in the South Downs. At 10pm on Saturday evening I received a call from Jon. “It’s Jon, Friend of John” said Jon. The Colden Common Sad…
National Parks available from SplashMaps
A growing number of National Parks are now available from SplashMaps! Pretty soon we’ll create any one of Great Britains 15 national parks for you. Take a look at our Web site as we…