
SplashMaps is well established now and it’s time to share one of our most productive trade secrets. We haven’t been paying our data licenses! Shock horror? For most map businesses such a confession would…

Date posted: 26th July 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on Our most productive trade sectrets …

Categories: SplashMaps News

Big events deserve the bespoke treatment.  After all, it’s often uniqueness that makes an occasion special. Mapfeinds, outdoor lovers and event organisers alike are all stretching their imagination to make Weddings, Races and their…

Date posted: 20th April 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on Bespoke for Weddings and Races

Categories: SplashMaps News

  SplashMaps started with just 1 map in December 2012!  Amazingly, by mid-2013 our maps were available for all our National Parks.  By November we could offer anywhere in Great Britain printed onto our…

Date posted: 19th January 2014 | Author: | Comments Off on Head for the highlands

Categories: Press SplashMaps News

We’re in Celebratory mood this month as we celebrated two 1 year anniversaries. 1 year since we incorporated and 1 year since we launched our initial Kickstarter Crowd sourcing funding campaign. It was great…

Date posted: 29th November 2013 | Author: | 1 Comment »

Categories: SplashMaps News

Meet SplashMaps at the Bournemouth Cycle and Tri Expo at the BIC this weekend! It’s free to come and there are loads of events for those that want to test their legs, and the…

Date posted: 15th November 2013 | Author: | Comments Off on SplashMaps at the Bournemouth Cycle and Tri Expo

Categories: SplashMaps News