Training and Racing with a SplashMap
Training and Racing with a SplashMap adds a new dimension of adventure to keeping healthy. The SplashMap weighs only 60g and for many adventurers just replaces a headscarf or bandana… so really it weighs…
New Improved SplashMaps – Clear, official Rights of Way, more pubs and designed for you!
We’re staying ahead of the game at SplashMaps! February has been a busy month for listening to our customers, learning new techniques and making some amazing advances in our New Improved SplashMaps. You get…
Bikers, Runners,Campers, Creatives and Cartographers give thumbs-up to SplashMaps! Media views on SplashMaps
We met Bike Biz magazine at the VOSmedia’s Outdoors show last month. They’ve been kind enough to go to print about us ;-). Turn to page 50 on the following link and find out…
Customers find the REAL outdoors in SplashMaps!
Get these great comments, films and tweets from our customers and new friends! Click the image to see our latest film.
4 Things that no one else is doing… Yet!
We know it won’t be long before poor imitations of what we’re doing come onto the market.