Run, Cycle & Triathlon events
SplashMaps make life easier for you in training and competing in Run, Cycle & Triathlon events. Ideal for your sport, our lightweight fabric maps take no space at all and weigh a fraction of…
Get SplashMaps to a wider audience
Over the weekend we completed and dispatched new stock to Wiggle, Stanfords, Bookends of Keswick and the tourist information centre in Winchester. Some of these are happy re-orders and the new customers were specifically…
A history of escape and evasion fabric maps
Peter Larkin was one of the few to complete the Three Peaks Yacht Race this year. He did it with the help of 3 of our REAL outdoors SplashMaps (our unique cartography applied to…
Biggest bike retailer reviewed, loves and failed to destroy our weatherproof fabric maps!
Not only have staff at Wiggle been inspecting our weatherproof fabric maps, but it looks like they’ve been submitting them to some pretty unpleasant treatment. Read their article to see just how serviceable our…