SplashMaps will be showing out at Spring Fair, Hall 5 Stand E103.

But what’s there to shout about this year?
Quite apart from anything else, we’ve now covered all the aspects that the Dragons Den investors expected before venturing strongly into export markets.
- We’ve turned our company name into a recognisable brand with 5 years of investment in high profile campaigns across outdoors and gift markets
- Improved the profitability of the business and
- Build upon promising initial overseas sales
Thanks to 1) we have 40 retailers spread around the country. But already our regular retail customers in the USA are selling more than their equivalents in the UK! A far better understanding of how to combine on-line/ off-line advertising plus exciting new product lines (like the Toob) has leveraged this marketing effort better, meaning our profit per unit sold has soared 6 fold!

What the DIT says?
“We’re delighted that SplashMaps has started to see success internationally, and we look forward to seeing what the future will hold for this ambitious, innovative, South East-based company,” said Ben Raby, Regional Director, South East, Department for International Trade. “With SplashMaps identifying the demand for its product overseas, we hope its presence at Spring Fair in Birmingham will quite literally put it on the map!” he concluded.
So what’s the plan?
This year we’re kicking off with an amazing presence at Spring Fair, positioning ourselves as the most versatile of map gifts. We’re there together with the Department of International Trade. With their help we are developing the necessary relationships with overseas retailers and channels to the US market in particular.
All details are in our latest media release!
20180201 SplashMaps Spring Fair CCDODITapprovednontt